Plants For Hanging Basket

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RhoeoTrade Scantiapalida...

Rhoeo The tricolor rhoeo (Rhoeo spathacea “Tricolor”) gets its distinct name from its lance-like, three-toned leaves, which feature purple undersides with hues of light pink, white and green on top. This perennial evergreen thrives in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 9 through 12, where it often lends itself to pots and hanging planters. Once the plant is established, even beginning green thumbs can take care of the drought-tolerant, low-maintenance tricolor rhoeo.

Rhoea Spathacea Tricolor...

Rhoeo The tricolor rhoeo (Rhoeo spathacea “Tricolor”) gets its distinct name from its lance-like, three-toned leaves, which feature purple undersides with hues of light pink, white and green on top. This perennial evergreen thrives in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 9 through 12, where it often lends itself to pots and hanging planters. Once the plant is established, even beginning green thumbs can take care of the drought-tolerant, low-maintenance tricolor rhoeo.

Rhoeo Spanthacea Compacta...

Rhoeo The tricolor rhoeo (Rhoeo spathacea “Tricolor”) gets its distinct name from its lance-like, three-toned leaves, which feature purple undersides with hues of light pink, white and green on top. This perennial evergreen thrives in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 9 through 12, where it often lends itself to pots and hanging planters. Once the plant is established, even beginning green thumbs can take care of the drought-tolerant, low-maintenance tricolor rhoeo.

Sedum Angelina Golden Plant

Sedum is a perennial with thick, succulent leaves, fleshy stems, and clusters of star-shaped flowers. There are many types of sedums, which all have different uses: use low–growing varieties for ground covers and rock gardens and tall varieties for back borders. Sedums are easy to care for and are good for cut flowers.

Donkey Burros tail plant

This plant eventually grows to 4′ long which will take around 6 years or so. As it grows it gets very thick with those trailing stems heavily laden with overlapping plump, juicy leaves which form a groovy braided pattern. As you can imagine, a mature plant gets very heavy. This plant is not for a flimsy pot with a flimsy hanger. It’s best grown in a hanging basket, in a large pot like mine, in a pot that hangs against a wall or trailing out of a rock garden

Ixora Dwarf (Peach) Plant

Ixora may be the most common flowering shrub seen in the tropical gardens and hold around 500 species. Though native to the tropical and subtropical areas throughout the world, its centre of diversity is in Tropical Asia. Most of the species and varieties flower very freely in summer and rains. They can grow on any soil but respond to treatment with manure when the plant is bursting into bloom. Pruning after flowering is beneficial.

Ixora Mini Dwarf (White) Plant

Ixora may be the most common flowering shrub seen in the tropical gardens and hold around 500 species. Though native to the tropical and subtropical areas throughout the world, its centre of diversity is in Tropical Asia. Most of the species and varieties flower very freely in summer and rains. They can grow on any soil but respond to treatment with manure when the plant is bursting into bloom. Pruning after flowering is beneficial.

Ixora Long Singapuri Ixora...

Ixora may be the most common flowering shrub seen in the tropical gardens and hold around 500 species. Though native to the tropical and subtropical areas throughout the world, its centre of diversity is in Tropical Asia. Most of the species and varieties flower very freely in summer and rains. They can grow on any soil but respond to treatment with manure when the plant is bursting into bloom. Pruning after flowering is beneficial.

Ixora Long Singapuri Ixora...

Ixora may be the most common flowering shrub seen in the tropical gardens and hold around 500 species. Though native to the tropical and subtropical areas throughout the world, its centre of diversity is in Tropical Asia. Most of the species and varieties flower very freely in summer and rains. They can grow on any soil but respond to treatment with manure when the plant is bursting into bloom. Pruning after flowering is beneficial.

Ixora Long Singapuri Ixora...

Ixora may be the most common flowering shrub seen in the tropical gardens and hold around 500 species. Though native to the tropical and subtropical areas throughout the world, its centre of diversity is in Tropical Asia. Most of the species and varieties flower very freely in summer and rains. They can grow on any soil but respond to treatment with manure when the plant is bursting into bloom. Pruning after flowering is beneficial.

Ixora Dwarf (Orange) Plant

Ixora may be the most common flowering shrub seen in the tropical gardens and hold around 500 species. Though native to the tropical and subtropical areas throughout the world, its centre of diversity is in Tropical Asia. Most of the species and varieties flower very freely in summer and rains. They can grow on any soil but respond to treatment with manure when the plant is bursting into bloom. Pruning after flowering is beneficial.

Ixora Dwarf (Yellow) Plant

Ixora may be the most common flowering shrub seen in the tropical gardens and hold around 500 species. Though native to the tropical and subtropical areas throughout the world, its centre of diversity is in Tropical Asia. Most of the species and varieties flower very freely in summer and rains. They can grow on any soil but respond to treatment with manure when the plant is bursting into bloom. Pruning after flowering is beneficial.

Ixora Dwarf (Red)Plant

Ixora may be the most common flowering shrub seen in the tropical gardens and hold around 500 species. Though native to the tropical and subtropical areas throughout the world, its centre of diversity is in Tropical Asia. Most of the species and varieties flower very freely in summer and rains. They can grow on any soil but respond to treatment with manure when the plant is bursting into bloom. Pruning after flowering is beneficial.

Pentas (White) Plant

Pentas are warm region tropical blooming plants, so called because of the five-pointed petals on the flowers. The plants come in a profusion of colors, so learn how to care for Pentas and enjoy their rich jewel tones. When you know how to grow Pentas, you have a foolproof way of attracting hummingbirds and butterflies, too. Pentas Flowers Info Pentas (Pentas lanceolata) are also called Egyptian stars for the bloom’s five-pointed shape

Pentas (Red) Plant

Pentas are warm region tropical blooming plants, so called because of the five-pointed petals on the flowers. The plants come in a profusion of colors, so learn how to care for Pentas and enjoy their rich jewel tones. When you know how to grow Pentas, you have a foolproof way of attracting hummingbirds and butterflies, too. Pentas Flowers Info Pentas (Pentas lanceolata) are also called Egyptian stars for the bloom’s five-pointed shape

Begonia (Red) Plant

Begonia (Begonia spp.) are available in many different varieties, including Rex, wax, tuberous and cane-stemmed types. These plants fall into the tropical and subtropical category of perennials, growing well in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 6 through 11. Many varieties with ornamental leaves and blossoms grow well outside in USDA zones 10 and 11, while hardy begonias survive winters in USDA zones 6 through 9 with proper care.

Syngonium (Pink) Air...

Syngonium or the Goosefoot Plant is a simple but elegant and versatile houseplant. On our scale of Easy, Intermediate or Difficult, we ranked it Intermediate. It's actually "Easy" to look after in most homes, however because it has a unruly nature and tendency to creep quietly around your home (if allowed), it needs a certain amount of maintenance and pruning that other plants ordinarily don't. This is needed to keep Syngonium indoors looking great and to avoid the ugly flop effect, also because all parts of the plant are poisonous you really do want to know where all parts of the plant are growing and creeping around, especially if you have curious children or hungry pets around.

Syngonium Podophyllum...

Syngonium or the Goosefoot Plant is a simple but elegant and versatile houseplant. On our scale of Easy, Intermediate or Difficult, we ranked it Intermediate. It's actually "Easy" to look after in most homes, however because it has a unruly nature and tendency to creep quietly around your home (if allowed), it needs a certain amount of maintenance and pruning that other plants ordinarily don't. This is needed to keep Syngonium indoors looking great and to avoid the ugly flop effect, also because all parts of the plant are poisonous you really do want to know where all parts of the plant are growing and creeping around, especially if you have curious children or hungry pets around.

Money Plant Golden Plant

Money tree plant The Malabar chestnut (Pachira aquatica), also known as the money tree plant, is considered to be a symbol of good luck and prosperity. Usually grown indoors, they are hardy outdoors in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 9b to 11. In the wild, the plants can reach 60 feet tall, but are usually confined to 6 or 7 feet indoors. Tree size is largely determined by its age and pot size. The tree usually has five trunks, braided together. Braiding contains the tree's sprawl and symbolizes locking in the luck or money.

Money Plant Variegated Good...

Money tree plant The Malabar chestnut (Pachira aquatica), also known as the money tree plant, is considered to be a symbol of good luck and prosperity. Usually grown indoors, they are hardy outdoors in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 9b to 11. In the wild, the plants can reach 60 feet tall, but are usually confined to 6 or 7 feet indoors. Tree size is largely determined by its age and pot size. The tree usually has five trunks, braided together. Braiding contains the tree's sprawl and symbolizes locking in the luck or money.

Money-Plant (Big Leaf) Plant

Money tree plant The Malabar chestnut (Pachira aquatica), also known as the money tree plant, is considered to be a symbol of good luck and prosperity. Usually grown indoors, they are hardy outdoors in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 9b to 11. In the wild, the plants can reach 60 feet tall, but are usually confined to 6 or 7 feet indoors. Tree size is largely determined by its age and pot size. The tree usually has five trunks, braided together. Braiding contains the tree's sprawl and symbolizes locking in the luck or money.

Kagda Plant

Kagda  plant care may require a bit of effort, but the results are well worth the work. Not all jasmine plants are fragrant, but the most common and hardy do produce a sweet, carrying fragrance. Common jasmine is a vine and has larger glossy green leaves than Royal jasmine. Both can survive in temperate climates if they are planted in a sheltered area. Arabian jasmine is a small bush with evergreen leaves. There are many other varieties of jasmine plant, of which are best suited for sub-tropical climates. Learning how to grow jasmine will add a striking visual and olfactory touch to the garden.


Portulaca (China Rose) Plant

Portulaca growswell in poor, gravelly or sandy soil.

At heights of no more than 6 inches, portulaca, also known as moss rose or sun plant, is a low-growing stunner with cactus-like blooms that last all summer. The blooms, in bright jewel tones of orange, pink, purple, yellow, red and white, grow on thick, succulent foliage. Portulaca is cold-sensitive and thrives in hot, dry areas. It is grown as an annual in most climates. However, the plant is perennial in U.S. Department of Agriculture growing zones 

Portulaca (Colourful...

Portulaca growswell in poor, gravelly or sandy soil.

At heights of no more than 6 inches, portulaca, also known as moss rose or sun plant, is a low-growing stunner with cactus-like blooms that last all summer. The blooms, in bright jewel tones of orange, pink, purple, yellow, red and white, grow on thick, succulent foliage. Portulaca is cold-sensitive and thrives in hot, dry areas. It is grown as an annual in most climates. However, the plant is perennial in U.S. Department of Agriculture growing zones 

Syngonium White Plant

 Syngonium White  Plant

plant is a simple but elegant and versatile houseplant. On our scale of Easy, Intermediate or Difficult, we ranked it Intermediate. It's actually "Easy" to look after in most homes, however because it has a unruly nature and tendency to creep quietly around your home (if allowed),

Eranthemum Plant (Black)

Eranthemum Plant

Like most plants in the family Acanthaceae, it needs to be cut back hard after flowering or it will become very straggly. Compared to many other Acanthaceae plants, the flowering period is relatively short, but it is very attractive when in bloom.The flowers do have a tendency to stay on the shrub after they have withered, which is a shame. They can be flicked off to give a better look - if you have time!

Anthurium Plant

Anthurium Plant The anthurium genus contains hundreds of tropical plant species, often admired as houseplants for their bright, nearly year-round flowers. Anthurium is native to the tropical rain forests of Central and South America. Despite sensitivity to temperature and humidity, anthurium plants are relatively hardy and easy to care for when kept indoors. They are usually sold as cuttings or adult plants, but it is possible to grow them from seeds as well.

Alyssum Rosie O'Day Plant

Alyssum is a low growing annual that is known for its carpet of sweet smelling white, violet or purple colored flowers. It grows and flowers best during the coolest parts of the summer in New England, but in northern and coastal areas can be in flower all summer long. The narrow hairy leaves are inconspicuous when alyssum is in full flower. Bees, butterflies and other insects love alyssum making it a good plant in a pollinator garden. In my garden it will self-sow readily and become a permanent fixture each year. However, I still like to replant new varieties each spring for added color and to grow more vigorous plants.

Asters (White) Plant

Asters are daisy-like perennials with starry-shaped flower heads. They bring delightful color to the garden in late summer and autumn when many of your other summer blooms may be fading.

The plant’s height ranges from 8 inches to 8 feet, depending on the type. You can find an aster for almost any garden and they have many uses, such as in borders, rock gardens, or wildflower gardens. Asters also attract butterflies to your garden!


Asters (Red) Plant...

Asters are daisy-like perennials with starry-shaped flower heads. They bring delightful color to the garden in late summer and autumn when many of your other summer blooms may be fading.

The plant’s height ranges from 8 inches to 8 feet, depending on the type. You can find an aster for almost any garden and they have many uses, such as in borders, rock gardens, or wildflower gardens. Asters also attract butterflies to your garden!

Asters (Rani) Plant

Asters are daisy-like perennials with starry-shaped flower heads. They bring delightful color to the garden in late summer and autumn when many of your other summer blooms may be fading.

The plant’s height ranges from 8 inches to 8 feet, depending on the type. You can find an aster for almost any garden and they have many uses, such as in borders, rock gardens, or wildflower gardens. Asters also attract butterflies to your garden!


Asters (Peach) Plant

Asters are daisy-like perennials with starry-shaped flower heads. They bring delightful color to the garden in late summer and autumn when many of your other summer blooms may be fading.

The plant’s height ranges from 8 inches to 8 feet, depending on the type. You can find an aster for almost any garden and they have many uses, such as in borders, rock gardens, or wildflower gardens. Asters also attract butterflies to your garden!

Asters (Lavender) Plant...

Asters are daisy-like perennials with starry-shaped flower heads. They bring delightful color to the garden in late summer and autumn when many of your other summer blooms may be fading.

The plant’s height ranges from 8 inches to 8 feet, depending on the type. You can find an aster for almost any garden and they have many uses, such as in borders, rock gardens, or wildflower gardens. Asters also attract butterflies to your garden!

Dahlias (Pink) Plant...

Dahlias are known as tuberous-rooted tenderperennials, grown from small brown biennial tubers planted in the spring. 

These colorful spiky flowers generally bloom from midsummer to first frost, when many other plants are past their best. They range in color and even size, from the giant 10-inch “dinnerplate” blooms to the 2-inch lollipop-style pompons. Most varieties grow 4 to 5 feet tall.

Though not well suited to extremely hot and humid climates, such as much of Texas and Florida, dahlias brighten up any sunny garden with a growing season that’s at least 120 days long. Dahlias thrive in the cool, moist climates of the Pacific Coast, where blooms may be an inch larger and dee

Dahlias (Red) Plant Plant...

Dahlias are known as tuberous-rooted tenderperennials, grown from small brown biennial tubers planted in the spring. 

These colorful spiky flowers generally bloom from midsummer to first frost, when many other plants are past their best. They range in color and even size, from the giant 10-inch “dinnerplate” blooms to the 2-inch lollipop-style pompons. Most varieties grow 4 to 5 feet tall.

Though not well suited to extremely hot and humid climates, such as much of Texas and Florida, dahlias brighten up any sunny garden with a growing season that’s at least 120 days long. Dahlias thrive in the cool, moist climates of the Pacific Coast, where blooms may be an inch larger and dee

Dahlias Plant (Seasonal...

Dahlias are known as tuberous-rooted tenderperennials, grown from small brown biennial tubers planted in the spring. 

These colorful spiky flowers generally bloom from midsummer to first frost, when many other plants are past their best. They range in color and even size, from the giant 10-inch “dinnerplate” blooms to the 2-inch lollipop-style pompons. Most varieties grow 4 to 5 feet tall.

Though not well suited to extremely hot and humid climates, such as much of Texas and Florida, dahlias brighten up any sunny garden with a growing season that’s at least 120 days long. Dahlias thrive in the cool, moist climates of the Pacific Coast, where blooms may be an inch larger and dee

Dahlias (Rani) Plant...

Dahlias are known as tuberous-rooted tenderperennials, grown from small brown biennial tubers planted in the spring. 

These colorful spiky flowers generally bloom from midsummer to first frost, when many other plants are past their best. They range in color and even size, from the giant 10-inch “dinnerplate” blooms to the 2-inch lollipop-style pompons. Most varieties grow 4 to 5 feet tall.

Though not well suited to extremely hot and humid climates, such as much of Texas and Florida, dahlias brighten up any sunny garden with a growing season that’s at least 120 days long. Dahlias thrive in the cool, moist climates of the Pacific Coast, where blooms may be an inch larger and dee

Dahlias (White) Plant...

Dahlias are known as tuberous-rooted tenderperennials, grown from small brown biennial tubers planted in the spring. 

These colorful spiky flowers generally bloom from midsummer to first frost, when many other plants are past their best. They range in color and even size, from the giant 10-inch “dinnerplate” blooms to the 2-inch lollipop-style pompons. Most varieties grow 4 to 5 feet tall.

Though not well suited to extremely hot and humid climates, such as much of Texas and Florida, dahlias brighten up any sunny garden with a growing season that’s at least 120 days long. Dahlias thrive in the cool, moist climates of the Pacific Coast, where blooms may be an inch larger and dee

Dahlias (Maroon White)...

Dahlias are known as tuberous-rooted tenderperennials, grown from small brown biennial tubers planted in the spring. 

These colorful spiky flowers generally bloom from midsummer to first frost, when many other plants are past their best. They range in color and even size, from the giant 10-inch “dinnerplate” blooms to the 2-inch lollipop-style pompons. Most varieties grow 4 to 5 feet tall.

Though not well suited to extremely hot and humid climates, such as much of Texas and Florida, dahlias brighten up any sunny garden with a growing season that’s at least 120 days long. Dahlias thrive in the cool, moist climates of the Pacific Coast, where blooms may be an inch larger and dee

Dianthus (White) Plant...

Dianthus flowers are perfect for plant containers and will bring a splash of color to any urban balcony garden. Dianthus flowers come in many colors, either it be a solid white, red, purple, pink and sometimes yellow, or with two colors or marks in the petals. The height of this flower ranges from 6 inches to 3 feet, and there are so many Dianthus varieties that any gardener can find a beautiful Dianthus species to fit his or her balcony garden.


Dianthus (Red) Plant...

Dianthus flowers are perfect for plant containers and will bring a splash of color to any urban balcony garden. Dianthus flowers come in many colors, either it be a solid white, red, purple, pink and sometimes yellow, or with two colors or marks in the petals. The height of this flower ranges from 6 inches to 3 feet, and there are so many Dianthus varieties that any gardener can find a beautiful Dianthus species to fit his or her balcony garden.

Dianthus (Pink White) Plant...

Dianthus flowers are perfect for plant containers and will bring a splash of color to any urban balcony garden. Dianthus flowers come in many colors, either it be a solid white, red, purple, pink and sometimes yellow, or with two colors or marks in the petals. The height of this flower ranges from 6 inches to 3 feet, and there are so many Dianthus varieties that any gardener can find a beautiful Dianthus species to fit his or her balcony garden.

Dianthus (Pink Red) Plant...

Dianthus flowers are perfect for plant containers and will bring a splash of color to any urban balcony garden. Dianthus flowers come in many colors, either it be a solid white, red, purple, pink and sometimes yellow, or with two colors or marks in the petals. The height of this flower ranges from 6 inches to 3 feet, and there are so many Dianthus varieties that any gardener can find a beautiful Dianthus species to fit his or her balcony garden.

Dianthus ( Rani White)...

Dianthus flowers are perfect for plant containers and will bring a splash of color to any urban balcony garden. Dianthus flowers come in many colors, either it be a solid white, red, purple, pink and sometimes yellow, or with two colors or marks in the petals. The height of this flower ranges from 6 inches to 3 feet, and there are so many Dianthus varieties that any gardener can find a beautiful Dianthus species to fit his or her balcony garden.

Dianthus ( Red White) Plant...

Dianthus flowers are perfect for plant containers and will bring a splash of color to any urban balcony garden. Dianthus flowers come in many colors, either it be a solid white, red, purple, pink and sometimes yellow, or with two colors or marks in the petals. The height of this flower ranges from 6 inches to 3 feet, and there are so many Dianthus varieties that any gardener can find a beautiful Dianthus species to fit his or her balcony garden.


Dianthus (White Pink)...

Dianthus flowers are perfect for plant containers and will bring a splash of color to any urban balcony garden. Dianthus flowers come in many colors, either it be a solid white, red, purple, pink and sometimes yellow, or with two colors or marks in the petals. The height of this flower ranges from 6 inches to 3 feet, and there are so many Dianthus varieties that any gardener can find a beautiful Dianthus species to fit his or her balcony garden.

Kalanchoe Plant

Kalanchoe Everyone pronounces it differently (and nobody knows exactly who’s right), but we’ve all seen the colorful, happy flower clusters of Kalanchoe blossfeldana, or flowering Kalanchoe. A cousin to the Jade plant, flowering Kalanchoe is a fairly low-maintenance succulent house plant.